Biochem. J. (1997) 322, 213±221 (Printed in Great Britain)

Biosynthesis of ‘ essential ’ amino acids by scleractinian corals

Lisa M. FITZGERALD* and Alina M. SZMANT‹Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy., Miami, FL 33149, U.S.A.

Animals rely on their diet for amino acids that they are incapable either of synthesizing or of synthesizing in sufficient quantities to meet metabolic needs. These are the so-called ` essential amino acids'. This set of amino acids is similar among the vertebrates and many of the invertebrates. Previously, no information was available for amino acid synthesis by the most primitive invertebrates, the Cnidaria. The purpose of this study was to examine amino acid synthesis by representative cnidarians within the Order Scleractinia. Three species of zooxanthellate reef coral, Montastraea faŠeolata, Acropora cerŠicornis and Porites diŠaricata, and two species of non-zooxanthellate coral, Tubastrea coccinea and Astrangia poculata, were incubated with "%C-labelled glucose or with the "%C-labelled amino acids glutamic acid, lysine or valine. Radiolabel tracer was followed into protein amino acids.A total of 17 amino acids, including hydroxyproline, were distinguishable by the techniques used. Of these, only threonine was not found radiolabelled in any of the samples. We could not detect tryptophan or cysteine, nor distinguish between the amino acid pairs glutamic acid and glutamine, or aspartic acid and asparagine. Eight amino acids normally considered essential for animals were made by the five corals tested, although some of them were made only in small quantities. These eight amino acids are valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine histidine, methionine and lysine. The ability of cnidarians to synthesize these amino acids could be yet another indicator of a separate evolutionary history of the cnidarians from the rest of the Metazoa.


Protein amino acids are fundamental components of all life forms. Some extant groups are able to synthesize all of the 20 protein amino acids (plants, and many fungi, bacteria and Protista ; Table 1). All animals studied so far, however, lack a number of amino acid synthetic pathways, or the rates of synthesis of these amino acids are insufficient to meet metabolic needs. These amino acids, termed essential, must be obtained by animals from their environment (e.g. food). All vertebrates have the same nine essential amino acids (threonine, valine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine and  tryptophan), and some have additional essential amino acids(Table 1). More variability exists within the invertebrates : some (but not all) representatives of the Crustacea, Mollusca and Nematoda have been attributed with the ability to synthesize one or more of the vertebrate essential amino acids (Table 1). One phylum for which capabilities for amino acid synthesis had not yet been studied was the Cnidaria. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine amino acid synthesis within the order Scleractinia. Overall, available information on amino acid synthesis shows that the pattern of essential compared with non-essential amino acids is similar among most Metazoa. Possible explanations for this similarity are: (1) animals evolved from early protozoan groups that had already lost or never acquired all the amino acid synthetic pathways; (2) the loss of these pathways occurred early in the evolution of the Metazoa; or (3) certain amino acid synthetic pathways may be more prone to loss than others. In general, essential amino acids are those with long, complex synthetic pathways. Random deleterious mutations may be more likely to occur in pathways with many steps than in those with few steps. The cnidarians are among the most primitive extant metazoans in most phylogenetic schema (see, for example, [1±3]). In this regard, their pattern of amino acid synthetic abilities might be indicative of their divergence from other metazoan groups relative to the loss of amino acid synthetic pathways. Glucose and amino acids can be precursors for amino acid synthesis. Glucose is rapidly absorbed and used in many metabolic pathways. Hence carbon atoms derived from glucose have a high probability of being incorporated into all newly synthesized amino acids. Glutamic acid is the direct precursor of several other amino acids via the tricarboxylic acid cycle, from where, like glucose, its carbon atoms have a high probability of being incorporated into newly synthesized amino acids. Lysine and valine, on the other hand, are not direct precursors of other amino acids. Although carbon atoms derived from these amino acids can feed into the tricarboxylic acid cycle, their degradation pathways are long and complex. The approach used in this study was to incubate corals with "%C-radiolabelled d-glucose or one of three "%C-radiolabelled amino acids (glutamic acid, lysine and valine), and follow the radiolabel into coral protein amino acids. Five species of scleractinian coral were used: three that have dino¯agellate symbionts (known as zooxanthellae) living within their gastrodermal cells, and two that do not. The zooxanthellate species were Montastraea faŠeolata (¯M. annularis [4]), AcroporacerŠicornis and Porites porites ; the two non-zooxanthellate species were Tubastrea coccinea and Astrangia poculata (¯A. danae [5]).


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