Nucleotide Biosynthesis
Points of Commonality and Difference
Learning the pathways of nucleotide synthesis
can be a daunting task. You have both purines and pyrimidines to deal with. How best to go about learning these steps is
the lesson of this tutorial. The first
thing to take note of is that both the purines
and the pyrimidines have many points in
common in their pathways. Knowing what these are allows you to absorb the
information from a comparative perspective as opposed to two separate
pathways. Having one to match with the
other is the key to making points stick.
Lets start by looking
at the basic ring systems of purine and pyrimidines. The first thing we
note is the size. The pyrimidine ring is smaller and
has two fewer nitrogens, and one less
carbon. That doesn’t help, except to
inform us that a purine ring requires more C
and N donors. Next we look at the
composition. Lets start with the
chemical formulas. Again, we see the major factor is twice the
number of N’s; C and H are about the same. Again, we consider that N addition is going to be a factor. Finally, we turn to the biochemistry. We see the a purine
ring is synthesized from 3 amino acids, two formyl-THFs,
and one CO2. The pyrimidine requires two amino acids and CO2. Thus, purine
assembly relies on multiple amino acids,
whereas pyrimidines require only two and
both use CO2. The purine
ring needs twice as many glutamines and depends on 2 formyl-THFs. Now we understand where the extra N’s and C’s
are coming from.
We now know roughly the
factors that take part in the biosynthesis of purine
and pyrimidine rings. To help us learn the pathway. Let’s ask what is the first, last and
mid-point compound for each. For purines, the first is
5-phosphoribosylamine and the last is 5’-IMP. For pyrimidines, its carbamoyl aspartate and the last is 5’-UMP. Thus, the last compound
of each has ribose attached, but only purines
have ribose in the first. The mid-point
compound, for purines is 5-aminoimidazole ribotide; for pyrimidines its orotate. Note that no sugar has
been attached to a pyrimidine even by the mid
point of the pathway. This means that
PRPP addition is immediate with purines
and near the end with pyrimidines. We now can appreciate that there will be
major differences at the start and PRPP is a key player.
What about the amino acids and CO2? Since glutamine and aspartate, are required for
both, where do they appear in each ring? As we search for glutamine, we notice that both
use glutamine as a N donor. Similarly, CO2 is a carbon donor
for both. But, with aspartate there is something entirely different. A purine
uses aspartate as a N donor, but a pyrimidine in corporates the
whole amino acid into the ring. This means that 3 of a pyrimidines ring C’s and one N come from aspartate. But, aspartate has 4 C’s. The a–COOH group of aspartate is not present in the final product. Therefore, there must be a pathway step that
removes the –COOH group from the ring. As
you study the results below, note that there are 4 C and one N in the purine ring that have not
been assigned. Connect this fact with
the fact that glycine and formyl-THF have not been mentioned.
We now know the source
of all C’s and N’s in a pyrimidine ring. The purine
is still unfinished, however, because there are two formyl-THFs and one glycine that have not been
located. Recall formyl groups are used to
close the small and large rings of purines. Thus, don’t look for formyl carbons at fusion
points that join the rings. There can only be two
likely candidates in the structure below that represent the two formyl groups. The part that stays
unmarked must be glycine. With a little imagination you should be able
to see this molecule. Now all C’s and
N’s in a purine ring have been
accounted for.
Your Understanding of Purine and Pyrimidine Biosynthesis
contribute the most ring atoms of a purine?
A pyrimidine?
Ans: Glycine
for a purine (3), glutamine and formyl-THF (2 each) are
close seconds. Aspartate for a pyrimidine.
What compounds are common in both pathways?
Ans: There are 4.
Aspartate, glutamine and CO2
are most obvious. The fourth is PRPP.
What is the link between carbamoyl-PO4 and
glutamine in the synthesis of a pyrimidine?
Ans: Glutamine provides the NH3
group to synthesize carbamoyl-PO4. A special enzyme,
carbamoyl-PO4 synthetase II is required.
Can you think of another amino acid that could be involved indirectly in
the synthesis of a purine ring?
Ans: A likely candidate would be serine, which by
forming N5,N10-methylene
THF, provides the carbon for the formation of N10-formyl-THF.
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